TI Blue (Platinum blue)
- TI Blue (Platinum blue), Chất nhuộm Platinum xanh, Platinum blue, TI for TEM.
- Mã sản phẩm: 335 / 335-1/ 335-2
- Xuất xứ: Nhật
- Thương hiệu: Nisshin EM
- Kho hàng: Có sẵn
- Khuyến mại: 12 tháng
- Tài liệu: Tải về
TI Blue
(Platinum blue)
An alternative to uranyl acetate for staining in TEM
It also enhances backscattered electron signals in SEM
Staining of ultra-thin sections for TEM examination
Staining procedure is essentially the same as for uranyl acetate.
To find an optimum concentration for your specimen, start from a solution diluted by 10x in distilled water or in 50% methanol with 10 min staining time. See whether your specimen is under-stained or over-stained. Then, change the concentration of stain solution and/or staining time accordingly. Post-staining with lead citrate is recommended to get better results.
For negative staining, use the stain solution as supplied or after appropriate dilution (for some specimens, TI Blue may not work effectively).
Staining for SEM examination
Use the TI Blue solution as supplied and adjust the pH of solution to 9 or above through addition of NH4OH solution (pH of TI Blue concentrated solution is pH 3).
Staining will take place in 15 ~20 min at room temperature depending on the specimen.
After staining, rinse the specimen in distilled water for 1 ~ 2 min, remove residual water by filter paper. The wet sample is now ready for examination in SEM.; low vacuum, BSE imaging mode is recommended.
Low vaccume SEM for paraffin sections*
The section on the slides are deparaffinized with xylene and given an alcohol descending series then transferred to distilled water.
Remove distilled water and pour TI Blue solution onto section then leave it for 15 to 20 minutes at room temperature.
After staining, rinse the slide with specimen in distilled water for 1 to 2 minutes.
Remove distilled water from the slide and fix it onto the specimen holder of SEM with carbon adhesive tape before introducing into the specimen chamber of SEM.
*reference ; Rapid three-dimensional analysis of renal biopsy sections by low vacuum scanning electron microscopy
S.Inaga, M.Kato, S.Hirashima, C.Munemura, S.Okada, T.Kameie, T.Katsumoto, H.Nakane, K.Tanaka, K.Hayashi, T.Naguro
Arch.Histol Cytol, vol.73,(3):113-125(2010/2011)
On disposal of waste solution, please follow the regulation for the hazardous waste containing heavy metals.
9771-90 Tip lead
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